
Leveraging Technology Platforms

For more than two decades, Sirius Solutions has evolved as a group of subject-matter-experts, thinkers, consultants, strategists, technologists, doers, innovators, advisors, and so much more for our clients.  We know how stuff works.  We know how to successfully manage cash for our clients, transform financial departments, resolve audit, SOX, or compliance situations, help with IPOs, and rework vendor management.  Through our financial advisory services, we have delivered thousands of successful revenue accounting projects and we have helped companies become more profitable by lowering their costs or uncovering new avenues of growth and revenue.

Today, we deliver all of this and more with technology platforms.  In everything we do, technology has a key role to play.  What is important for companies to realize is that if technology takes center stage, over the importance of people and workflows, long-term success and benefits will only be hindered.  The key is to make technology work for you – people and workflows remain at the heart of how systems and software platforms are designed and implemented.

We have come to realize that we can do our job better by leveraging technology platforms.  In other words, technology is simply an efficient enabler.  While we have worked with the giants like SAP and Microsoft for decades, we are using more and more early-stage software platforms with the ability to deliver specific capabilities.  We believe that in the coming years, companies will have the ability to uncover intelligence, efficiencies, and opportunities from an integrated set of systems in a hybrid cloud environment.  Our role is to help build that infrastructure, supporting a cohesive set of tools that operate to drive efficiencies, reduce risks, and make work more fun for employees.

For example, as part of our general accounting functions, we routinely work with established technologies like Workiva or Idea.  In an effort to continuously build in automation, we have begun to offer new concepts, using startups like Alice, which help to automate control functions.  Additionally, as part of our cash flow optimization solution, High Radius, a local Houston-based unicorn, provides the infrastructure necessary to deliver advanced methodologies of cash management.  These tools plug into a company’s broad technology ecosystem – thus delivering efficiencies outside their core functions.

It must be noted that the role people play in extracting the benefits of technology is greater than ever.  Our teams are designed to match the exact requirements of your unique project – bringing together subject matter experts, technologists, and process management.  We firmly believe that implementing a software tool is only as effective as the people using it.  Our people work with our clients to understand their culture and expectations, deliver solutions that are, above all, usable and reliable, and reinforce decision-making that helps businesses run faster, stronger, and more efficiently.

Our partnership strategy, spanning both large and emerging companies, is currently in its early stages – but it is at the heart of how we will deliver consulting in the future.  Our commitment to our clients and partners is to deploy our subject matter expertise via a technology platform that is easy to use, drives efficiency and value, and is integrated within an organizational IT ecosystem.

Rakhee Das, Chief Strategy Officer – Sirius Solutions

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