Many of you have reached out following last week’s article (INTEGRATED AUTOMATION article) So we thought we would expand on this and share with you additional helpful resources to assist you as you plan your organization’s automation journey.
- Gartner’s automation guide introduces a strategy around cloud, workflows, and overall IT architecture. (GARTNER article)
- Specific to IT, we found a general, good automation strategy presented by CIO that links to other sources as well. (CIO article)
- For companies specifically evaluating business functions for automation, including us at Sirius, the guide presented by Learning Hub is similar to our focus– sales, marketing, data, and reports. (LEARNING HUB article)
- Forrester’s automation framework, although very RPA focused, is a good reference article and works as a checklist. (FORRESTER’S article)
- However, while we are committed to RPAs as a key piece to deliver automation, it is important for all organizations to think beyond RPAs – it’s important for companies to think through a holistic strategy as described by Horses for Sources. (HORSES FOR SOURCES article).
To review, as companies define automation requirements, it is important to understand the breadth and scale of technologies available. There are six key ways to automate.
Furthermore, vendors of automation technologies as discussed in our previous article (AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES article) can provide case studies and additional useful information.
You may also be interested in these articles and video:
Power Query – Cost Free Automation (article)
Streamlining and Automation – Excel 365, Tips and Tricks (article)
Streamlining and Automation – FEI Webinar (video)
Rakhee Das, Technology & Innovation Practice Leader – Sirius Solutions, L.L.L.P.
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